domingo, 21 de octubre de 2007

Antiguas apariciones en CHESS NOTES de Edward Winter

Aquí aparecen unas Chess Notes más antiguas enviadas hace años a Edward Winter y que ya no están disponibles en la red:

2748. Complete game lost?

From Javier Asturiano Molina (Murcia, Spain):

‘What information is available about the mysterious game Edward Lasker v
Capablanca, Berlin, 1911? The final moves of this “unknown” game (a
draw, but Capablanca could have won) were given by Edward Lasker in
his book Chess Secrets I Learned from the Masters (page 131) and were
also discussed in the 8/1995 New In Chess (page 82). It is absent from the
various collections of Capablanca’s games, but has the complete score
ever been published?’

The position given in Lasker’s book is as follows:

Now Lasker (White) continued 1 f8(Q) Rxf8
2 Rxf8 e2 (2…Kb7!) 3 Kc6 Ka7 4 Rf7+ Ka6
5 Rf8 Ka5 6 Kc5 Ka4 7 Rc4+ Kb3 8 Rf3+
Kc2 9 Rxf2 Drawn.

Had this drawing motif already occurred before 1911?

Lasker wrote in his book that Capablanca
‘thrilled me by his very gracious consent to
play an individual game with me’, but did not
indicate the rate of play. We have found
nothing about their meeting in such contemporary magazines as the Deutsche
Schachzeitung and Deutsches Wochenschach.

2853. Low cunning (C.N. 2761)

Javier Asturiano Molina points out that a slightly different
version of this episode was related by Pachman on pages 85-
87 of his book Ajedrez y Comunismo (Barcelona, 1974), i.e.
the Spanish version of Jetzt kann ich sprechen (Düsseldorf,

‘The clock indicated that there were still two minutes
until the time-limit. In fact, that was the margin that I
had intended for executing the ten remaining moves. I
made the move that I had thought of one hour
previously. Doda quickly returned to the board and,
after thinking briefly, took my pawn. With feigned
alarm, I looked at the clock and, at the speed of light, I
put another pawn before his nose. He shook his head,
glanced at my clock and took the pawn. He certainly
thought that I was lost and that, on account of Zeitnot,
I had lost all control and would sacrifice one piece
after another. With stunning speed, yet another
sacrifice. This time Doda suspected something; he put
his head in his hands and thought intensely. But it was
already too late. (...) With blow after blow I was
cornering the black king. Barely two minutes had
sufficed to carry out the devastating attack. Shortly
before the time-control, my opponent resigned.’

2871. Miscellaneous additions

In the ‘Chessy words’ item (C.N. 2863) the earliest instance
of ‘Chessikin’ was dated 1885. We now note an occurrence of
the word on page 272 of The Chess Player’s Chronicle, 1878.

Javier Asturiano Molina points out two works which were not
included in our items on books about Kasparov and Karpov
(C.N.s 2751, 2824 and 2825):

- Garri Kasparov by A. Martín González (Barcelona 1986).

- Anatoli Karpov Su vida y partidas by A. Martín González
(Barcelona 1985).

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2007


He aquí unas opiniones de Botvínnik sobre Fischer. Nos parece muy interesante (¡y sorprendente!) su opinión sobre el juego posicional de Fischer:

"Fischer ganó el título mundial porque fue un artista en el cálculo de variantes. Creo que no ha sido muy profundo en el conocimiento del juego posicional, pero su estilo de juego y su carácter le dieron una gran popularidad, que ha rebasado al particular mundo del ajedrez".

Fuente: Revista "Ocho x Ocho", número 128 (1992), página 7.

"La creación de Fischer no sorprendió mis ideas estratégicas. Eran conocidas de cualquier ajedrecista versado en las viejas partidas (también antes de Fischer). Pero el ingenio táctico del gran maestro americano, su energía en la realización del plan establecido, su tendencia a mostrar actividad a la primera oportunidad, sí me impresionaron".

Fuente: Mijail Botvinnik: Partidas Selectas (3). Madrid, Ediciones Eseuve, 1992, página 19.

"La tragedia de Fischer probablemente haya sido que luchaba no sólo contra sus oponentes en el tablero sino también con sus impresiones irreales del mundo exterior. Cuando concluyó el match de Reykjavik, el talento ajedrecístico de Fischer era enorme. Ya en sus años jóvenes podía predecirse que se convertiría en campeón del mundo... Jugó muchas partidas brillantes. Lo que es típico de éstas es que primero hay una interesante lucha, pero tan pronto como surge una oportunidad, Fischer lanza una ofensiva relámpago. Esto lo hace comparable con Morphy: así era como éste actuaba en posiciones abiertas, y también es como actúa Fischer en posiciones semiabiertas".

Fuente: Gary Kasparov: Mis Geniales Predecesores, volumen 4. La Roda (Albacete), Ediciones Merán, 2006, página 497.